Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kids are a gift

So today I had a thought as I looked at my class. Each one is someone's daughter or son, not because of their birth (but that did have something to do with it) but because they are loved. By virtue of belonging to someone they have identity. My heart goes out to those that do not have such a family. The foster children, the children desperately looking fore a permanent family.

As you follow my blog you will find that I find humor or perhaps irony or just stupidity it a variety of places, not the least of which is anything to do with my students, but celebrity news is one of my favorites as well.

Today as I neglected to work on my report cards I read an article online about how our beloved Madonna (the singer not the Holy Mother) has "finally been approved to adopt little Mercy."

It brings questions to my mind.

If celebrities are constantly telling me how to "Go Green, Buy Local." or "Think Globally, Act Locally." Why is she buying a child 5,000 miles away?

Wasn't there any locally produced children that were up to her standards? Was it really gas efficient to travel to another continent? Were there no beautiful four year olds anywhere in these United States? Children are not tropical fruits, they grow anywhere. We don't need to import them from other nations.

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